Update on Maia’s post TPLO progress

As you may know, Maia had TPLO surgery on both her knees. The first was her left leg on February 6th, 2018, and the second being her right leg on March 9th, 2018.  Those were some trying times for myself, my wife, and of course, Maia, who had just turned 12 years old the day […]

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Maia’s TPLO journey Part 6 – Her 50 day x-rays and another scare

As Maia has continued to progress with her exercises and healing, we of course had to have another scare. While this was not joint related, it was still worrisome. During the month of April I noticed an uptick in Maia’s water consumption. Basically she would drink water quite a bit more often than normal. Since […]

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Maia’s TPLO journey Part 5 – Her Second Surgery and rehab

The morning of March 9th came and like before her first surgery, I was pretty nervous, although less so this time. Given that Maia had no issues during her first surgery and was doing so well with her recovery and rehab, I was actually looking forward to getting through this surgery so that Maia could […]

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Maia’s TPLO journey Part 4 – Rehab and the unexpected

The Day after Maia’s surgery we went to her up at her scheduled discharge time. We met with the doctor and went over the surgery in great detail, including arthroscopic video and images of the ruptured ligament and x-rays of her left leg prior to and after surgery. The first order of business after Maia […]

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Maia’s TPLO Journey Part 3 – Her surgery

The morning of February 6th arrived and we packed Maia up with her bed, a toy, some food, a Frosty Paw Ice cream, and some snacks as she would be staying the night after surgery and off we went. I admittedly was a nervous wreck that morning and didn’t sleep much the night before. If […]

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Maia’s TPLO Journey Part 2 – Treatment options and decisions

While we were still in New Mexico I began doing some research on the injury and treatment options. After doing some web searches I found and called Arizona Canine Orthopedics and scheduled a consultation on their first available slot, which was in mid-January. As it turned out, their location was only about 5 minutes away […]

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Maia’s TPLO journey Part 1 – Her initial injury

Hi all, I wanted to share a story about Maia’s knee injuries. It started back on May 30th, 2017, Maia, who had turned 11 in February, was out in the backyard doing her usual morning yard patrol, inspection and potty business. When Maia came back inside (she has a dog door so I wasn’t watching […]

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