Mike and Maia, the beginning…

It all started when I was born, way back on February 5th, 2006. I am what they call a “Rescue Dog”, which means I must have rescued my human dad from something, but I’m not sure what since I was just a 10-week-old baby when I was adopted. I do know that I came from the good folks at Arizona Labrador and Giant Breed Rescue Group in Phoenix, Arizona.  My mother was a Yellow Labrador that was taken in when she was pregnant and these wonderful folks looked after her during and after her pregnancy and ensured all her puppies found loving homes. I heard my mother was also adopted out to a loving human family!

My human dad told me a story that when he signed up to adopt one of my mom’s puppies, he had his heart set on adopting a yellow boy, even though she had not given birth yet. Someone said my dog father was thought to be a Black Labrador and my mother would likely have both black and yellow pups. When my human dad was finally called to come and pick a puppy to adopt, all my brothers and sisters were asleep in a big pile and so was I. However, given the people puppy I am, I woke up and groggily walked over to my dad, where I proceeded to become fascinated with untying his shoes.  I was what they called the “runt” of the litter, which I don’t know about as even though I was smaller than my brothers and sisters I was always ready to wrestle them for any toy as I had a lot of spunk. Anyway, my dad said he fell in love right then and there and this crazy notion of wanting to adopt a yellow boy went out the window and dad picked me, a black girl!

With my dad around 6 weeks old:Maia and Mike 005

I’ve been living with my dad my entire life and although I’m getting older and into my senior years, my dad still calls me “puppy” and I think we have the best lives ever! For fun, I used to love playing with squeaky toys, chasing birds and rabbits out of the yard and barking at anything and everything, but now that I’m in my senior years and with a couple of knee surgeries under my collar (more on that later), I’m more interested in fine food, soft beds, car rides with my dad, and short walks, so I can sniff the air and get some exercise. I’ve also taken up writing, so I hope you can join my dad and I on our adventures.

Paws up!


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